Warhammer: Vermintide 2 How to Stealth

Did you know you can stealth most of the levels? Contents Well, you can run through the maps with stealth characters and ignore most of the game mechanics. Whos the fourth? Thats up to you. Just have them sit in spawn or some safe nook where nothing can get them. They will have to put

Did you know you can stealth most of the levels?


Guide to Stealth

What is “Stealthing”?

Well, you can run through the maps with stealth characters and ignore most of the game mechanics.

  • Huntsman
  • Ranger
  • Shade

Who’s the fourth? That’s up to you. Just have them sit in spawn or some safe nook where nothing can get them. They will have to put up a good defense game and keep themselves alive for most of the level.

Let’s Explain More in Detail

Vermintide 2 has a weak AI. If you move in two separate bodies away from each other, the game will not know what to do. As group 1 sits in the spawn or near it, and group 2 moves further through the level, the game will not be able to adequately deal with the growing distance. It will do silly things, like stop spawning roamers, specials will loop, and enemies will not react very intelligently.

The AI will choose someone to pick on. Eventually, it will be the solo guy sitting in spawn, because he’s all alone. This means the 3 stealthies have a really easy time just pushing through the level and objectives.

If you run into an obstacle like a boss, you have 3 very capable boss slayers who can assassinate him in 10 seconds. Bosses are a joke to this team.

If you run into an obstacle that requires all 4 players, then the solo guy in the back simply needs to kill himself. After he is revived, then he will run backwards through the map again, to increase the distance between the two parties.

Finally, if you all coordinate your stealth at the same time, all AI will target player #4.

Oh, and if people die, just keep moving forward because they can be picked up later. Picking up people in stealth is easy.

Try it, perfect it, enjoy it. Might be some RNG involved.

Now Let’s Talk Builds


6 seconds of stealth every 48 seconds. 30% + 10% cooldown reduction.

Resourceful Combatant: Can be used to reduce those cooldowns.

15% movement speed. 10% + 5%.

Pick a weapon that you can move quickly with, while blocking. Mace is a good example. Spear can also be good, since you move faster while holding down charged attack.

Proxy: This will allow you to all use potions to move quickly through the map and refresh your invisibility cooldowns. Ranger will be supplying the potions.

Cannot pass through enemies while stealthed.


10 seconds of stealth every 98 seconds. 10% cooldown reduction.

Resourceful Combatant: Can be used to reduce those cooldowns.

Please note that you can remove 2 seconds for every reload. Every time you throw a throwing axe, it removes 2 seconds of cooldown. And I don’t mean when you press R. It counts for the throw.

15% movement speed. 10% + 5%.

Pick a weapon that you can move quickly with, while blocking. 1h Hammer is a good example.

Proxy: This will allow you to all use potions to move quickly through the map and refresh your invisibility cooldowns. Ranger will be supplying the potions.

Cannot pass through enemies while stealthed.


5 seconds of stealth every 22 seconds. 45% + 10% cooldown reduction.

Resourceful Combatant: Can be used to reduce those cooldowns.

15% movement speed. 10% + 5%. You can also use 20% for 5 seconds on crit.

Spear and daggers can make you move faster than normal when you swing.

Proxy: This will allow you to all use potions to move quickly through the map and refresh your invisibility cooldowns. Ranger will be supplying the potions.

Can pass through enemies while stealthed.

Let’s Talk About Player #4

So who should player #4 be? I’ll give you some suggestions.

Bounty Hunter

Every ranged crit, he grants the team 10% movement speed for 10 seconds. This will help the stealthies move faster.

Witch Hunter

Pinged enemies take 20% more damage. This will help the stealthies with any killing they do.

Whenever a special/elite dies, the team gets 5% more crit for 5 seconds. Useful.


He can move very quickly, resist death, and play keep away.

Please note that player #4 does not want to kill enemies. He wants them to stay leashed to him, to prevent further spawning. If he kills everything, then the AI will have freedom to spawn again.

Special Mention


2 seconds of invis every 16 seconds. 10% cooldown reduction.

She dashes every 18 seconds, allowing her to catch up, despite moving slow.

Purple potion is important for her if she wants to stay invisible, since it is so short of duration.

She can dodge through enemies.

Final Words

This is merely a template I have offered. There are other ways to set up a stealth team, like having 2 players sit in back and 2 players move forward. Maybe you will even want a stealthy in the back.

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