David & Annie After The 90 Days Season 2 Trailer Teases a SURPRISE PREGNANCY?!?!

Earlier this year, we reported on the renewal of David & Annie: After The 90 Days. Both After The 90 Days spinoffs outperformed expectations despite starring boring fan favorite couples in established, stable relationships.

Earlier this year, we reported on the renewal of David & Annie: After The 90 Days.

Both After The 90 Days spinoffs outperformed expectations despite starring “boring” fan favorite couples in established, stable relationships.

That said … loving each other doesn’t mean that they don’t face challenges or surprises.

Case in point? The Season 2 trailer shows that Annie might be pregnant.

In the David & Annie: After The 90 Days Season 2 trailer, which you can see below, they have a lot going on.

The pair have returned to Thailand.

Once again, their hope is that Annie’s brother, Jordan, and her cousin, Amber, can come to America to attend school.

This time, the family trip includes David’s daughter, Ashley.

She travels with them to Thailand and to Annie’s home village, where she meets Annie’s family.

That is exciting, but a new experience. For example, she sees a freshly killed chicken. That is unfamiliar for the vast majority of Americans.

David also “becomes a monk” in some capacity. Presumably for a photoshoot. The context remains unclear.

Having undergone a hair transplant, he is understandably anxious about getting his hair buzzed for this.

His hope is that the hair will grow back. That seems likely, but his anxiety is not unreasonable.

Annie and David then take Amber and Jordan on a trip. Part of the goal is to enroll them in English classes.

This could help them to make a good impression on the next attempt to bring them to the United States.

The US does not have an “official language,” but non-English-speakers sometimes face prejudice and even xenophobic suspicion. Attempts to immigrate to the US are already difficult enough; David and Annie want to offer them every possible advantage.

Of course, another part of their goal in the trip is to expose the two to some Thai-based reflections of American culture.

Many parts of the world are familiar with America. But Annie’s remote village is a far cry from the metropolitan areas of Thailand.

In some ways, going to more “tourist-friendly” parts of Thailand could expose Jordan and Amber to little tastes of American life.

But there is conflict. Jordan is reluctant to come to America, because it would mean saying goodbye to his girlfriend. That is very age-appropriate, honestly.

However, he gets into an argument with Annie about it (again, super age-appropriate for a teenage boy to be sullen and cranky).

Even though Annie stresses that she wants this to be his choice, he accuses her of “forcing” him to come. What?

However, the trailer’s big twist comes when Annie admits to a doctor (seemingly while in Thailand) that it has been three months since her last period.

“I didn’t think I would ever think about being a father again,” David then confesses to the camera. That is understandable.

We see Annie undergoing an ultrasound. But we do not yet know the results.

