Boise man charged with felony after posting his ex's nude photos online

BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) A 45-year-old Boise man has been arrested on charges of video voyeurism and selling or distributing those sexual images without consent. Isaac Myers was arrested on Monday and is being charged with felony video voyeurism after he allegedly began posting nude photos of an ex-intimate partner online without their permission. Idaho

A 45-year-old Boise man has been arrested on charges of video voyeurism and selling or distributing those sexual images without consent.

Isaac Myers was arrested on Monday and is being charged with felony video voyeurism after he allegedly began posting nude photos of an ex-intimate partner online without their permission. Idaho Code defines felony video voyeurism as the intentional distribution, dissemination, or publication of images that depict someone's intimate areas or who is engaged in a sexual act without their consent.

Myers is scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon.

The addition of the video voyeurism laws in Idaho came after a rise in "revenge porn." Photos and videos of ex-partners were distributed online after the relationship ended. Laws like Idaho's video voyeurism sprung up across the nation in response.

